Wednesday, May 25, 2011


In Costa Rica, there was "Pura Vida." 

In Haiti, it is "Posse."  This means "Chillin" and is a perfect word for a state of mind here. 

Sak pase?  Posse.

On the drive back from Jacmel, our van was hit with a torrential rainpour.  The roads turned into shallow rivers.  Umbrella-less pedestrians rolled their pantlegs up and covered their heads with whatever they had...showercaps, handtowels, plastic sheets....  Cars, vans, and trucks pretended to be Haitian boats and trudged slowly along.

I watched three men piled on one motorcycle fall into the water when the bike went up in an accidental wheelie.  My vanmates laughed and the poor guys luck.  Then, *THUD* our van hit a pothole.  Karma for our laughter hit us 40 minutes later when we were stranded on the side of the road.  Our driver scooped rainwater up to poor into our overheated engine.

After having been crammed into the van for 3 hours, I rolled out of the van with some of my vanmates.  We realized we were at least two hours from home.  There was nothing we could do, but posse.

So, we participated in our favorite pasttime while waiting for our engine to cool...we opened some Prestige and waved at Blancs as they drove by.  Did you know that the door latch in the side panel of a van door makes a perfect bottle opener?  After a couple of beers, it was a fun evening. 


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