Thursday, October 6, 2011

All Signs Pointed to Paris

Do you ever experience weird coincidences?  Maybe someone tells you about a book that they think you should read and then two days later someone else recommends to you the same book.  I make it a mission to read these signs -- I interpret them as things I'm meant to do.  A sort of divine guidance if you are spiritual about things.

Today, I had such an experience. 

(1)  I was contemplating my upcoming travel plans with a friend.  I want to make a major trip to Asia, but I postponed it year after year to take advantage of shorter trips instead.  Yet, year after year, there was one place that I kept thinking about and hadn't made to yet...Paris.

"Paris isn't so great.  But you should go if you haven't yet," was her response. 

Not so great?!!  The last time I had almost booked a trip for myself to Paris was in 2007.  But while I was in the middle of planning a round-the-world itinerary for myself, I found myself an amazing condo at an amazing deal (once again, the stars were all lined up).  So, my Paris money went towards a downpayment and my Frommers "Paris 2007" guide ended up on a bookshelf of my new condo.

Fast-forward 4.5 years later, I'm reading an article on one of my favorite sites, CrazySexyLife, and (2) the October 6th entry read "We use money stress to keep us from really experiencing life."  *sigh*  She was right.  Now I'm not an advocate of putting yourself in debt, but I was at a point where i could plan a short trip to Paris for myself.  Why continue saying it?  As Nike says, Just Do It!

(3)  A text from Paul tells me excitedly that he and the family are going to Paris in early November...again.

The world was rubbing it in my face.

WTH?!!  That's it.  I started to look up the cost of flights to Paris on  Maybe Thansgiving weekend would be a good time for me to go?

As I have a lists of prices running across my screen, I get a NEWSFLASH from Travelzoo.  (4)  It's a special for a direct flight to Paris flying business class for the same cost that I was looking up flight on economy class.  The catch...I needed to go in the month of October.  So, I checked my calendar and *click.*

Ladies and gents, in one week from today, I leave for a 4 day tip to Paris!

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